Appointments and services
Want a heads up about which of our staff you may meet during your appointment with us. Check out our Meet the Team page.
Private Exam – £65 / Private Enhanced Exam – £90
Our Qualified Optometrists are here to give you peace of mind concerning your vision and eye health, as well as treat you like an important individual.
Our Enhanced exam option includes additional testing with our clinical equipment, such as Retinal photography, 3D OCT scans, Ultra-widefield imaging, measuring IOP’s and Visual fields screening, depending on your individual needs. You can read more about our Enhanced Eye Exams, here.
NHS Exam / NHS Enhanced Exam – £40
You will be eligible for an NHS test test of you are:
Under 16 – We test children on an annual or 6 monthly basis depending on visual needs. All children are entitled to free NHS tests and help towards the cost of prescription spectacles.
Under 19 and in full time education. You will also be entitled to help towards prescription spectacles.
- We include retinal photography for free to all patients below the age of 19 as part of their routine eye exam and health check.
- We are qualified and approved to dispense Myopia Control products for young teenagers and children.
Over 40 with a direct family history of glaucoma.
Over 60.
Or receiving qualifying benefits (certain benefits entitle the named person(s) to help towards the cost of prescription spectacles).
Our Enhanced exam options are available to all NHS patients for a top-up fee of £30 to ensure peace of mind.
Student Test Fee – £35
(Including Apprenticeships)
After the age of 19 you are no longer automatically eligible for an NHS sight test, regardless of still being in full time education.
With ID as proof we offer a reduced test fee and 10% discount on spectacle purchases.
NHS Diabetic Retinal Screening – As of 2022
We are now unable to offer any diabetic screenings.
We will continue to offer NHS appointments for Eye Examinations to all Diabetic patients and you may still take up our Enhanced Exam option to keep a full record of your eye health here.
If you receive a letter for a screening, it will be a given appointment for elsewhere and will only be for the dilating drops and photo’s.
Annual contact lens check – £40
Annual contact lens checks need to be done to ensure safe and healthy wear. We will contact you when they are due to make sure your contact lens supply is not interrupted. We can not supply lenses to anyone with an out of date test or lens check.
Contact Lens Fitting and Teach – £50
For new wearers who need the A to Z about becoming a contact lens wearer. Includes fitting and however many teach appointments required, and usually a week of trial time.
A follow up appointment after trial is also booked to confirm the prescription or make any adjustments.
You will need to have had a sight test within the last 12 months.
Some people need more than one teach appointment before they can take lenses home to begin their trial, don’t be disappointed or discouraged if this is the case.
Clinical Assessment – £40 / CUES covered by the NHS
Sometimes it is not necessary to do an full eye test resulting in a prescription.
If you have any worries, red bloodshot eyes, sudden changes in vision, distorted vision, flashes and floaters or a suspected infection or allergic reaction.
We can advise if medication is required or emergency medical attention. If you are ever concerned for your vision, out of our opening hours, you can seek Urgent care at Manchester Royal Eye Hospitals’ A&E department.
Dry Eye Clinic – £80
To diagnose chronic dry eye conditions. After an initial consultation appointment we follow up with 2 more appointments to establish the best hygiene routine to care for the eyelids, eyes and lashes to maintain ocular health.
Beneficial for anyone suffering from post surgery side effects, blepharitis, allergies that affect the eyes, dry eye or tear duct issues.
Cataract Referrals (Private and NHS)
We advise how cataract operations are performed from start to finish and ensure you feel happy to be referred. We have both NHS and private eye hospitals in our Manchester area that will accept NHS cataract surgery patients. Private referrals are available for those interested and can also be performed pre-cataract as a method of surgical visual correction.
Pre and Post Cataract Checks
Checks to ensure suitability for surgery for both private and NHS patients and also post surgical checks are performed here, instead of certain eye hospitals requiring you to go back to them.
Private Visual Fields Screening and Report – £60
We can accurately measure your peripheral with this test and can determine if pre-existing health factors are affecting vision.
Such as a stroke or glaucoma. We can also supply a full report which may be requested by your GP or Ophthalmologist.