At Thomas Carter Opticians we can provide peace of mind and detailed understanding about your eye health with our Enhanced Eye Exam service.
You can enjoy the benefits of our expertise and technology during your visit.
Our enhanced eye exam can include the following tests discussed on this page along with measuring IOP’s (intraocular pressure) using various methods such as Pulsair, Goldman, ICare or Perkins. It is all down to you and your eyecare professional on the day.

3D OCT, that’s Optical Coherence Topography, for those who want to know it’s name in full.
Being able to look closely at the retinal layers is a great investigative tool for patients with macula degeneration, optic disc or retinal abnormalities, diabetic retinopathy and those with or a risk of or a family history of glaucoma.

Whilst being able to perform the 3D scans, the OCT is capable of taking detailed photos of the central part of the retina, called the macula, where the major functioning anatomy of our vision resides.
The optic nerve is not far from the macula and is also a point of interest to view and ensure healthy vision.

Our OCT camera was our newest toy until very recently. We can now introduce you to our newest gadget in the toybox:
Optomap by Optos, is an ultra-widefield retinal imaging camera that allows us to see up to 82% of your retina in addition to super fast capture.
Whilst our OCT camera is still a key piece of diagnostic equipment, it can only see 40% of the retina in a single image.
Optomap is able to capture wider images of the retina, giving us vital information as well as an unparalleled view in comparison with other methods.

Changes in the last few years have meant that wiggling torches up close and personal, in your eyes to see a small spot, as we ask you to look in differnt directions, is not ideal in pandemic times.
Our Optomap is fast, safe and ensures thorough examinations to be possible during these times of health care restrictions and precautions.

Visual Fields Analyser
Visual field tests allow us to measure and map, peripheral vision function. Vital for those who have experienced sudden onset ‘flashes and floaters’, dramatic visual changes, intraoccular pressure, strokes and other health changes.
Our field analyser machine allows us to ensure we have a full picture of your vision.

Our Enhanced options are available to all patients, Children under 19 will always have retinal photo’s taken as part of their routine health check.
If you have any questions about our Enhanced services then we are happy to answer them. Just get in touch 01617475555